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SSP On-Demand: Webinars

Current Trends in Peer Review


2022 | Mar 16, Tim Vines, Dana Compton, Paige Wooden, Clark Holdsworth

Equity and transparency in the review process and compensation vs. non-compensation for reviewers are just some of the hot topics under debate in current discussions about peer review. This webinar will highlight and summarize the most significant trends and provide examples of transformative models that work.
On-Demand Meetings

Maximizing Data Sharing Policy Impact through Implementation, Compliance, and Support Workflows


2023 | Jun 01, Tim Vines, Rebecca Grant, Ginny Herbert, Graham Smith

The data-sharing landscape has transformed significantly over the past five years. As demands for research transparency and efficiency continue to rise, data-sharing policies have become increasingly common with funders and journals alike. The 2022 Nelson Memorandum's data-sharing requirements promise to further accelerate the uptake of these policies, as funded researchers aim to comply with requirements and publishers respond to the evolving needs of the research community. This interactive session will touch on the process of moving journals from weaker data-sharing policies to more stringent ones, the internal training and support needed at the publisher level to embed data policies and enable assessment of author compliance, the impact, and challenges of fully Open Data policies; the limitations of journal data sharing policies and the extent to which they support the sharing of reusable data; and how technological innovations can support stronger data sharing policies.
On-Demand Meetings

Moderated Debate on Trust in Scholarly Publishing: Artificial Intelligence will Fatally Undermine the Integrity of Scholarly Publishing


2023 | Jun 02, Jessica Miles, Rick Anderson, Tim Vines

Moderated by Rick Anderson, this Oxford-style debate will see two teams debating a resolution related to trust in scholarly publishing, with the winner based on audience votes before and after the debate. Don't miss this exciting final session for the conference, where your participation will decide the outcome!
SSP On-Demand: Webinars

SSP Innovation Showcase (Winter 2023)


2023 | February, Charles Hemenway, Tim Vines, David Myers, Tom Beyer, Srinivasan "KG" Govindarajan

Join us for a special, free webinar highlighting new and exciting industry innovations. Speakers will present solutions or technology in seven-minute presentations, providing a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the latest developments in the industry. • OA Agreement Intelligence • Enhance Your Platform Experience with Freeform Content • Enable Scalable Manuscript Transfers through Transfer Desk Suite • Use AI to power Open Science