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SSP On-Demand: Webinars

Nurturing Minds: Fostering Mental Health Awareness and Organizational Support


2024 | February, Shayla Gerity, Emma Jellen, Randy Townsend, Lily Garcia Walton

In an era when the significance of mental health is gaining widespread recognition, cultivating an environment of awareness and support within organizations is imperative. This Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) webinar, titled "Nurturing Minds: Fostering Mental Health Awareness and Organizational Support," delves into the critical intersection of mental health and the workplace, with a particular focus on the scholarly publishing community. The session is part of the SSP initiative introduced in this Scholarly Kitchen post by SSP President Randy Townsend last fall. This the first in a series of free webinars being developed by a subcommittee of the SSP Mental Health Task Force. The session will open by addressing the prevalent stigmas surrounding mental health, shedding light on the importance of understanding and dismantling these barriers within the professional sphere. Participants will gain insights into the multifaceted nature of mental health challenges and their impact on overall well-being and workplace dynamics. An exploration of organizational resources and strategies will follow, emphasizing the role of employers in creating a supportive ecosystem. The webinar will showcase various initiatives, from employee assistance programs to mental health awareness campaigns, designed to cultivate an inclusive, supportive workplace culture that prioritizes mental well-being. Additional information about the SSP Mental Health Awareness initiative can be found on the SSP website.