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Inclusive Guidelines for Scholarly Publishing: Recent Style Guidelines for Wording and Imaging

Language and images used in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) have become increasingly important in scholarly publishing. Recently, several major style guides have been developed, including the Coalition for Diversity in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) Toolkit: Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication; the American Medical Association's AMA Manual of Style Guidance on Inclusive Language for Reporting Race and Ethnicity; the American Chemical Society (ACS) Inclusivity Style Guide; and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This session brings together representatives of these organizations to discuss the principles for creating inclusive communication guidelines, methods for development of the style guides, major recommendations, and plans for updating as language and societal norms change. The aims are to point scholarly publishers to these and other resources to embrace and advance equity and inclusion in scholarly publications and to set industry standards for inclusive writing habits in research and publishing.
Publication Date
2023 | Jun 02

45th Annual Meeting (2023)

"Transformation, Trust, and Transparency" The pace of change in our industry continues unabated, with seismic shifts in areas such as the dissemination of research, business models, and the nature of the workplace. And yet, while pressure for change has become the new normal, fundamental change has proved more elusive. We invite you to join us in highlighting the Trust and Transparency issues that underlie many of the challenges we face and exploring what it takes to create more meaningful Transformation in scholarly publishing.

Annette Flanagin


Emily Ayubi


Patricia Baskin


Executive Editor, American Academy of Neurology

Sabrina Ashwell