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The Introverted Leader: Career Development and Networking Advice for the Quiet Among Us

"While extroverts tend to be more seen and heard, research shows that at least one-third of the people we know are introverts. These members of our teams are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion, and who favor working on their own over working in teams. Many amazing advancements in society, the arts, literature, and technology are thanks to introverts like self-described introverts Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, and Bill Gates. In this session, we discuss how introverts can advocate for themselves in the workplace, making their career aspirations and contributions heard and valued. We hear from self-described introverts who have tips for others on how to navigate the workplace and make the most of networking opportunities. Finally, we hear from managers who have been successful in blending personality types on their teams, making sure all team members are heard and valued."
Publication Date
2023 | Jun 01

45th Annual Meeting (2023)

"Transformation, Trust, and Transparency" The pace of change in our industry continues unabated, with seismic shifts in areas such as the dissemination of research, business models, and the nature of the workplace. And yet, while pressure for change has become the new normal, fundamental change has proved more elusive. We invite you to join us in highlighting the Trust and Transparency issues that underlie many of the challenges we face and exploring what it takes to create more meaningful Transformation in scholarly publishing.

Julie Nash


Karen Stoll Farrell


Mithu Lucraft


Will Schweitzer


Chief Product Officer, Silverchair