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Unpacking OA Usage Reporting What Do Stakeholders Want?

Open Access usage reporting is becoming ever more complex. Growing content syndication means that usage is occurring at scale across multiple platforms. While it's clear how this usage can be reported via COUNTER to libraries, it's less clear what other stakeholders are looking for, such as funders, editors, and authors. How granular should reporting be? Is there a role for geo-locating usage to help in organizational affiliation? What's the importance of human vs machine interfaces? And is all usage created equal, and does that matter? This session brings together four different perspectives: an OA publisher, an institutional funder, an open repository, and a vendor. We'll walk through what's known and then start to unpack the questions for which we don't yet have answers. Our goal is to inform our community understanding of the challenges ahead of us and, hopefully, start to lay the groundwork for future standards in this area.
Publication Date
2023 | Jun 01

45th Annual Meeting (2023)

"Transformation, Trust, and Transparency" The pace of change in our industry continues unabated, with seismic shifts in areas such as the dissemination of research, business models, and the nature of the workplace. And yet, while pressure for change has become the new normal, fundamental change has proved more elusive. We invite you to join us in highlighting the Trust and Transparency issues that underlie many of the challenges we face and exploring what it takes to create more meaningful Transformation in scholarly publishing.

Christina Drummond


Executive Director, OA eBook Data Usage Trust

Jill Emery


Tim Lloyd


Founder/CEO, LibLynx

Tim Lloyd is founder and CEO of LibLynx, a business helping publishers, service providers and libraries to manage identity and access to online resources, and better understand the usage and impact of those resources. Tim is a member of the Governance committee and co-Chair of the Outreach committee for, and a member of COUNTER’s Open Access/Unpaywalled sub-group. His career spans several decades in a variety of product development and operational roles in online publishing, with a particular focus on developing innovative products and services to support online learning and research.